History of Salt
“Salt is born of the purest of parents: the sun and the sea” – Pythagoras 580 BC – 500 BC)
Himalayan Crystal Salt originated from the evaporation of the primeval sea by the sun’s energy, at a time when pollution did not exist and planet Earth was a pristine ecosystem. Throughout hundreds of millions of years of intense heat and pressure from shifting tectonic plates the Himalayan mountains were formed and the salt became crystallized.
This pink salt from the Himalayan Mountains, which is over 250 million years old, is as pure as the ancient primal oceans and contains all the minerals and trace elements essential to human life. The elements trapped within the pink Himalayan salt are small enough to be able to be absorbed by human cells.
Himalayan salt supplies us with a truly ancient ocean of energy and regenerates our body on all levels.
Discover the health giving properties locked into this ancient crystal salt.
Why is Himalayan Crystal Salt rapidly increasing in popularity?
Our bodies need salt
It is essential for maintaining healthy functioning of the cells, nerve conduction, digestion, absorption and elimination of waste products.
Himalayan salt is pristine and natural, the cleanest salt available, and has wonderful healing properties. It has the most perfect geometric structure possible in rock crystals, which is the result of being compressed under the Earth’s surface throughout millions of years. Research shows the hidden health benefits that Himalayan salt contains. It has life generating power for both the body and the nervous system, with its high nutritional value, and is becoming more frequently used by health professionals to treat a wide range of health issues. The distinctive rose pink colour of the Himalayan pink salt comes from an halophilic pink algae (from Greek for "salt-loving") in the pre-Cambrian ocean.
We are frequently advised to remove salt from our diet as allegedly it can lead to heart problems, fluid retention and high blood pressure. This is because common table salt has been stripped of its trace minerals, leaving only sodium and chloride, and in the UK it has been further treated by adding hexacyanoferrate(II), an anti-caking agent, to prevent it from absorbing moisture.
Sea salt falls somewhere between table salt and Himalayan pink salt and although it is certainly preferable to table salt, sea salt is subjected to varying degrees of pollution.
The healing properties of salt are also known in traditional medicine. The largest and oldest salt works in Europe occupies the royal salt mine of Wieliczka, Poland, just 7.5 miles outside of Krakow. Here, a hospital was carved out of the expansive salt mountain, seven hundred and forty feet below the surface, specifically for asthmatics and patients with lung disease and allergies. Several thousand patients have been successfully treated in this hospital, where the success rate is in excess of 90%.